Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Game on...

The reshuffle we all knew was coming delivered the key players to the frontline today. Howard has delivered his 'war' cabinet and front bench for the long run to the polls in 2007. The biggest winner was, unsuprisingly, Malcolm Turnbull. Since his arrival in Canberra Turnbull has been positioning himself as a voice for water conservation issues, and increasingly the enivronment. He has rapidly repaired his relationship with the Prime Minister's office and has mounted an impressive 'charm offensive' to combat any bad blood remaining from his Republican days and Wenworth pre-selection battle. His match up with high profile Labor MP Peter Garrett will prove to be the match up of the 2007 campaign.
Amanda Vanstone was dumped - her performance in the media has been particularly poor lately, and definitely sends the message that Howard is clearing dead wood for the election battle ahead. Greyer than grey Kevin Andrews takes her portfolio, which clears way for a stronger performer in Workplace relations - the Sunrise connection continues to deliver, with Joe Hockey getting a high profile portfolio and match up against Julia Gillard. Kevin Andrews suits Immigration - his softer, controlled, 'machine like' manner will play much better that Vanstone's recent performances on the 7:30 report.
The uncertainty is put to rest with this move - Howard and his team are ready to face off and Kevin Rudd's honeymoon is quickly coming to an end. Let's see how rudely the media returns Rudd to earth...

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