Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How can Costello best sieze the agenda Post-Howard...

Costello's op-ed piece in the Australian today gave a glimpse of the Coalition under its next leader. Highlighting the importance of intergrating migrants into the workforce and wider society, Costello alluded to some of his major differences to Howard. Costello, I believe, will quickly move towards the centre once Howard finally bows out of Federal politics. One of the most important things Costello must achieve is to significantly rejuvinate the Coalition's cabinet and frontbench. He must also establish a new agenda that siezes the initative and provides a clear direction that differs to the Howard years.
The 'new' liberal agenda could include a significant focus on climate change, improvement in education on all levels, continued taxation reform (simplifying the tax system by removing all deductions and lowering rates across the board is a reform worth working towards), improving efficiency in the National economy, education, water and energy.
Costello and his inner circle must focus on building a major agenda to agressively pursue upon Howard's retirement - a rejuvinated Coalition with a Costello driven 'new agenda' is critical for election success post Howard.

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