Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Situation... no change

Once again polls out in the Australian today reveal that Australians trust Howard with the Economy, interest rates and security - three key issues for the upcoming 2007 election. Beazley's policies do nothing to change the current status quo, with Labor leading in education, health and social services. I can't see anything that the opposition is doing that will reclaim ground from the coalition - all they seem to be doing is solidifying their base (and that's not enough to win an election against Howard).
Howard's immigration legislation seems to be on the backburner until he can sort out problems from within the ranks. I can see the rebel MP's points - I don't believe that families should be housed in the same 'prison' style accommodation as singles. Christmas Island is a much better solution than sending illegal immigrants to Narau - maintain a tough stance on illegal immigration, but not at such a high cost to families, particularly children.

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