Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Waiting Game...

Today's news polls have finally delivered the expected bounce to Labor over its IR stance and joint campaign with the Unions against the Howard Government reforms. After heavy advertising campaigns by the ACTU and lobbying of the press by Beazely, Labor has been rewarded in the polls. With Howard out of the country, and more Union 'horror' stories coming to light, Labor has had a relatively good performance towards an almost 'vacant goal'.
From the Coalitions point of view, I don't think much needs to be done - ride out the momentum, set the agenda for the remainder of the year in parliament, and ready for battle in the next election campaign. Howard does need to have a long period of time concentrated on domestic issues - and needs to clearly show the coaltion that he is preparing for his final election showdown with Beazely.
I do believe that with the resuffle of Mark Vaile from the Trade Portfolio, the Coalition does have the perfect opportunity to put a stronger figure than Kevin Andrews in the Workplace Relations portfolio. Andrews lacks the carisma and character assets to sell and defend the IR reforms to the public - Howard could well benefit from leaving the portfolio in more capable hands so he doesn't need to micromanage so much.
Once again, this is an issue that I expect will not be a key factor in the next election. Labor and the Unions will need to spend countless millions to keep IR on the headlines for another year - after all, is anyone talking about AWB anymore?? Labor will need more core issues than IR to see an end to Coalition rule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.