Saturday, July 22, 2006

Welcome to the wild west... Politics QLD style!!!

Madonna King in today's Courier Mail outlined some of the bigger issues that have come out in past week in estimates committee hearings in Queensland... one of which being the $2 billion bill for new Dams in Queensland not being anywhere in the Budget - Yeah, that's right... just a little omission!?!?!
Welcome to Politics QLD style - ever since the Senate voted themselves out of a job in the depression and optional preferencing become procedure, we have had some absolute garbage go down in Brisbane. The irony is evident when Beattie, a former protestor against 'wild' Sir Joh, becomes one of dodgiest operators QLD has ever had in parliament (and there have been some true gutter trash) ... media tart and owner of one of the most unimpressive records of any Premier Australia has seen.
In Eight years Beattie has run QLD into the ground... playing popular has seen Health and Education slowly head down in the gurgler, Energy and Water not far behind them. He will deliver a legacy wridden with time bombs ticking to his successor - like Carr, his negligence will only become truly clear once he is finally gone. There is no passing the buck when you inherit services that are amongst the best in country, only to see them become the worst within your time in Government.
A few other highlights from the Beattie government included underspending on disabled infrastructure, failing to implement 16 recommendations listed in the Crime and Misconduct Commission report into child abuse, failing to cost extra teacher aide hours for the new 'prep' year starting next year in QLD schools .... the list keeps going.
Fellow Queenslanders, do our state a favour and vote this clown out - he makes us a laughing stock and is the most negligent Government leader the nation has seen in the past decade.

1 comment:

Ben said...

More details of Wild Peter Beattie's shooting from the hip...

Today’s announcement of an ‘immediate’ $334M by the Beattie Labor Government for the Western Corridor Recycled water scheme, just weeks after Queensland’s budget was introduced, is unfunded and shows that the Beattie Government has not adequately planned for Queensland’s growth.

This announcement comes on the heels of last week’s admission in Parliamentary Estimates that the Beattie Labor Government had not budgeted for the Traveston Dam.

Queensland Coalition Deputy Leader Bob Quinn labelled these promises as unfunded as they are not funded in the State Budget and questioned where the Beattie Government was going to find the money to pay for them.